Just a quick update...

Hey all,

Just a few small housekeeping things for now. As you can see, you can take a look at all the posts that we've ever made, right here on the front page. It also just so happens that iTunes can also see all the links to all the old 'Casts now, so those of you who use iTunes can now see all the episodes of Perfect Score right in your subcription list.

Speaking of which....

If you aren't subscribed yet, now's the best time to do so! We've got our show being updated on a daily basis, so there's always something new to hear, and soon to see! So go ahead and click on your appropriate button and subscribe today!

Apple computers: itunes 1click subscribe<--- for all you Mac folk!

Windows: iTunes 1-click subscribe<--- for all you PC types!!

And all you folks can go to the link below to find out how to get these nifty buttons for your own 'casts!!

Get buttons like this.

Thanks for your support!!

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